We have produced a list of 186 countries and the name and URL of their advertising regulator for you.
As per previous articles and the nature of the internet, you may commission a campaign in one country and have a sizable market impact in another. Jurisdiction of social video is debated at a platform level and complaints are typically dealt with at a local level. So, knowing who the main players are around the world is a must for any marketer or compliance lawyer.
Yes and No. There are several cross-country or international organizations that regulate advertising and promote industry standards. Some of the notable ones include:
These and other organizations work together to develop common standards and guidelines to ensure that advertising practices are ethical, transparent, and effective across borders.
Country |
Primary Regulator Name |
Albania | Albanian Competition Authority (ACA) | http://www.caa.gov.al/ |
Algeria | Conseil de la Concurrence | http://www.conseil-concurrence.dz/ |
Angola | National Institute of Consumer Protection | http://www.inadec.gov.ao/ |
Argentina | National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (CONARP) | https://www.conarp.org.ar/en/home |
Armenia | State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) | http://www.competition.am/ |
Australia | Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) | https://aana.com.au/ |
Austria | Austrian Advertising Standards Council (ASR) | https://www.as-rat.at/ |
Azerbaijan | State Advertising Council | |
Bahamas | Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas | https://www.znsbahamas.com/ |
Bahrain | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) | https://www.tra.org.bh/ |
Bangladesh | Advertising Standards Council (ASC) | http://www.ascbangladesh.org/ |
Barbados | Fair Trading Commission (FTC) | https://www.ftc.gov.bb/ |
Belarus | Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART) | https://mart.gov.by/ |
Belgium | Jury for Ethical Advertising (JEP) | https://www.jep.be/en/home |
Belize | Belize Broadcasting Authority (BBA) | |
Benin | Beninese Agency for Regulation of Advertising (ARPA) | |
Bhutan | Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA) | https://www.bicma.bt/ |
Bolivia | Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes (ATT) | https://www.att.gob.bo/ |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) | https://www.rak.ba/en/ |
Botswana | Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) | https://www.bocra.org.bw/ |
Brunei | Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI) | https://www.aiti.gov.bn/ |
Bulgaria | Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP) | https://kzp.bg/ |
Burkina Faso | Conseil Supérieur de la Communication (CSC) | http://www.csc.bf/ |
Burundi | Conseil National de la Communication (CNC) | http://www.cnc.bi/ |
Cambodia | Ministry of Commerce | http://www.moc.gov.kh/ |
Cameroon | National Communication Council (NCC) | |
Canada | Advertising Standards Canada | https://www.adstandards.ca/ |
Cape Verde | Agência Reguladora Multissectorial da Economia (ARME) | https://www.arme.cv/ |
Central African Republic | Conseil National de la Communication (CNC) | |
Chad | High Authority for Media and Audiovisual (HAMA) | |
Chile | National Council of Self-Regulation and Advertising Ethics (CONAR) | https://www.conar.cl/ |
Colombia | Autocontrol | https://autocontrol.co/ |
Comoros | Comorian Agency for the Regulation of Communications (ARC) | |
Congo | Conseil Supérieur de la Liberté de Communication (CSLC) | |
Costa Rica | Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SUTEL) | https://www.sutel.go.cr/ |
Croatia | Council for Electronic Media | https://www.emediji.hr/ |
Cuba | Ministry of Communications | http://www.mincom.gob.cu/ |
Cyprus | Cyprus Radio Television Authority (CRTA) | http://www.crta.org.cy/ |
Czech Republic | Council for Advertising (RVR) | https://www.rada-reklamy.cz/ |
Denmark | Consumer Ombudsman | https://www.forbrugerombudsmanden.dk/english |
Dominica | Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) | https://www.ectel.int/ |
Dominican Republic | Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL) | https://indotel.gob.do/ |
East Timor | Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANC) | http://www.anc.tl/ |
Ecuador | Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecomunicaciones (ARCOTEL) | http://www.arcotel.gob.ec/ |
Egypt | Advertising Control Committee (ACC) | http://www.acc.org.eg/ |
El Salvador | Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET) | https://www.siget.gob.sv/ |
Equatorial Guinea | Ministry of Information, Press and Radio | |
Eritrea | Ministry of Information | |
Estonia | Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA) | https://www.ttja.ee/ |
Eswatini | Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) | https://www.esccom.org.sz/ |
Ethiopia | Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority (EBA) | https://www.eba.gov.et/ |
Fiji | Fiji Commerce Commission | https://www.commcomm.gov.fj/ |
Finland | Consumer Ombudsman | https://www.kkv.fi/en/ |
France | Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité | https://www.arpp.org/ |
Gabon | High Authority of Communication (HAC) | https://www.hacgabon.ga/ |
Gambia | Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) | https://www.pura.gm/ |
Georgia | Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) | https://www.gncc.ge/ |
Germany | Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs | https://www.wettbewerbszentrale.de/ |
Ghana | National Communications Authority (NCA) | https://www.nca.org.gh/ |
Greece | National Council for Radio and Television (ESR) | https://www.esr.gr/en/ |
Grenada | National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) | https://www.ntrc.gd/ |
Guatemala | Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SIT) | https://www.sit.gob.gt/ |
Guinea | Regulatory Authority for Post and Telecommunications (ARPT) | http://www.arpt.gov.gn/ |
Guinea-Bissau | National Regulatory Authority (ANR) | |
Guyana | Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) | https://gnba.gov.gy/ |
Haiti | Conseil National des Télécommunications (CONATEL) | http://www.conatel.gouv.ht/ |
Honduras | Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) | https://www.conatel.gob.hn/ |
Hong Kong | Communications Authority (CA) | https://www.coms-auth.hk/en/home/index.html |
Hungary | National Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ÖRT) | https://ort.org.hu/ |
Iceland | Post and Telecom Administration (PTA) | https://www.pfs.is/ |
India | Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) | https://www.ascionline.org/ |
Indonesia | Advertising Ethics Council (DEA) | https://www.dea.id/ |
Iran | Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance | http://www.farhang.gov.ir/ |
Iraq | Communications and Media Commission (CMC) | http://www.cmc.iq/ |
Ireland | Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) | https://www.asai.ie/ |
Israel | Advertising Standards Committee | https://www.asw.co.il/ |
Italy | Istituto Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria | https://www.iap.it/ |
Ivory Coast | Conseil Supérieur de la Publicité (CSP) | |
Jamaica | Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica (BCJ) | https://www.broadcom.org/ |
Japan | Consumer Affairs Agency | https://www.caa.go.jp/ |
Jordan | Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) | http://www.trc.gov.jo/ |
Kazakhstan | Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition | http://www.komitet.kz/ |
Kenya | Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) | https://www.ca.go.ke/ |
Kiribati | Ministry of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism | |
Kosovo | Regulatory Authority for Electronic and Postal Communications (ARKEP) | https://www.arkep-rks.org/ |
Kuwait | Ministry of Information | https://www.media.gov.kw/ |
Kyrgyzstan | State Agency for Antimonopoly Regulation | http://antimonopoly.kg/ |
Laos | Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications | http://www.mpt.gov.la/ |
Latvia | National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) | https://www.neplpadome.lv/ |
Lebanon | Ministry of Information | http://www.ministryinfo.gov.lb/ |
Lesotho | Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) | https://www.lca.org.ls/ |
Liberia | Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) | https://lta.gov.lr/ |
Libya | General Authority for Communication and Informatics (GACI) | |
Liechtenstein | Office for Communications (AK) | https://www.ak.llv.li/ |
Lithuania | Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania (LRTK) | https://www.lrt.lt/ |
Luxembourg | Independent Audiovisual Authority of Luxembourg (ALIA) | http://www.alia.lu/ |
Madagascar | ||
Malawi | Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) | http://www.macra.org.mw/ |
Malaysia | Advertising Standards Committee (ASC) | https://www.asc.com.my/ |
Maldives | Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) | https://www.broadcom.gov.mv/ |
Mali | High Authority of Communication (HAC) | http://www.hacmalijournalistes.org/ |
Malta | Malta Communications Authority (MCA) | https://www.mca.org.mt/ |
Mauritania | High Authority for Press and Broadcasting (HAPA) | |
Mauritius | Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) | https://iba.mu/ |
Mexico | National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (CONAR) | https://www.conar.org.mx/ |
Moldova | Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova (CCA) | http://cca.md/ |
Monaco | Communications Department | |
Mongolia | Communications and Information Technology Authority (CITA) | http://www.cita.gov.mn/ |
Montenegro | Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) | https://ardcg.org/ |
Morocco | High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA) | http://www.haca.ma/ |
Mozambique | Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique (INCM) | http://www.incm.gov.mz/ |
Myanmar | Ministry of Information | http://www.moi.gov.mm/ |
Namibia | Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) | https://www.cran.na/ |
Nauru | Ministry of Information and Communication | |
Nepal | Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) | https://nta.gov.np/ |
Netherlands | Stichting Reclame Code (SRC) | https://www.reclamecode.nl/ |
New Zealand | Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) | https://www.asa.co.nz/ |
Nicaragua | Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Services (TELCOR) | https://www.telcor.gob.ni/ |
Niger | High Council of Communication (CSC) | http://www.csc-niger.org/ |
Nigeria | Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) | https://www.apcon.gov.ng/ |
North Macedonia | Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (AAAVMS) | https://avmu.mk/ |
Norway | Consumer Ombudsman | https://www.forbrukertilsynet.no/om-oss/organisasjonen/english-summary/ |
Oman | Public Authority for Radio and Television (PART) | https://www.part.gov.om/ |
Pakistan | Advertising Standards Council (ASC) | https://asc.org.pk/ |
Palau | Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Industries and Commerce | |
Panama | National Authority of Public Services (ASEP) | https://www.asep.gob.pa/ |
Papua New Guinea | National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) | http://www.nicta.gov.pg/ |
Paraguay | National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) | https://www.conatel.gov.py/ |
Peru | National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (CONAR) | https://www.conarperu.org.pe/ |
Philippines | Advertising Standards Council (ASC) | https://www.asc.com.ph/ |
Poland | Advertising Ethics Committee (RDN) | https://rdn.pl/ |
Portugal | Advertising Self-Regulation Institute (ICAP) | https://www.icap.pt/ |
Qatar | Ministry of Culture and Sports | https://www.mcs.gov.qa/ |
Romania | Romanian Advertising Council (RAC) | https://www.rac.ro/ |
Russia | Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) | https://en.fas.gov.ru/ |
Rwanda | Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) | https://www.rura.rw/ |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology | |
Saint Lucia | Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) | https://www.ectel.int/ |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) | https://www.ntrc.vc/ |
Samoa | Office of the Regulator (OOTR) | https://www.regulator.gov.ws/ |
San Marino | Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) | https://www.agcom.sm/ |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Autoridade Geral de Regulação (AGER) | http://www.ager-stp.org/ |
Saudi Arabia | Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) | https://www.citc.gov.sa/en/Pages/default.aspx |
Senegal | Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Posts (ARTP) | http://www.artpsenegal.net/ |
Serbia | Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) | https://www.rem.rs/ |
Seychelles | Department of Information Communications Technology (DICT) | https://www.ict.gov.sc/ |
Sierra Leone | National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) | http://www.natcom.gov.sl/ |
Singapore | Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) | https://www.asas.org.sg/ |
Slovakia | Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission | https://www.rvr.sk/ |
Slovenia | Agency for Communication Networks and Services (AKOS) | https://www.akos-rs.si/ |
Solomon Islands | Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands (TCSI) | https://www.tcsi.org.sb/ |
Somalia | Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism | |
South Africa | Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) | https://arb.org.za/ |
South Korea | Korea Communications Commission (KCC) | https://www.kcc.go.kr/ |
South Sudan | National Communication Authority (NCA) | http://www.nca.ss/ |
Spain | Autocontrol | https://www.autocontrol.es/ |
Sri Lanka | Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) | https://www.trc.gov.lk/ |
Sudan | National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) | http://www.ntc.gov.sd/ |
Suriname | Telecommunication Authority Suriname (TAS) | http://www.tas.sr/ |
Swaziland (Eswatini) | Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) | https://www.esccom.org.sz/ |
Sweden | Swedish Advertising Ombudsman (RO) | https://www.reklamombudsmannen.org/ |
Switzerland | Swiss Advertising Standards Authority (SASA) | https://www.lauterkeit.ch/en/ |
Syria | Ministry of Information | http://www.moi.gov.sy/ |
Taiwan | Advertising Ethics Committee (AEC) | https://www.aec.org.tw/en/ |
Tajikistan | Communications Service under the Government of Tajikistan | http://www.ktt.tj/ |
Tanzania | Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) | https://www.tcra.go.tz/ |
Thailand | Advertising Association of Thailand (AAT) | https://www.aat.or.th/ |
Togo | Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP) | http://www.arcep.tg/ |
Tonga | Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change, and Communications (MEIDECC) | http://www.meidecc.gov.to/ |
Trinidad and Tobago | Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) | https://www.tatt.org.tt/ |
Tunisia | High Independent Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HAICA) | http://www.haica.tn/ |
Turkey | Turkish Advertising Standards Authority (RKT) | https://www.rek.org.tr/en/homepage |
Turkmenistan | Ministry of Communications | |
Tuvalu | Ministry of Communications and Transport | |
Uganda | Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) | https://www.ucc.co.ug/ |
UK | Advertising Standards Authority | https://www.asa.org.uk/ |
Ukraine | Advertising Coalition of Ukraine (AKU) | https://aku.org.ua/ |
United Arab Emirates | National Media Council (NMC) | https://nmc.gov.ae/ |
USA | Federal Trade Commission | https://www.ftc.gov/ |
Uzbekistan | State Inspectorate for Supervision of Communications, Information and Telecommunication Technologies (SISCTI) | https://it.uz/ |
Vanuatu | Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR) | https://www.trr.vu/ |
Venezuela | National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) | http://www.conatel.gob.ve/ |
Vietnam | Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) | http://www.mic.gov.vn/ |
Yemen | Public Telecommunications Corporation (PTC) | http://www.ptc.gov.ye/ |
Zambia | Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) | https://www.zicta.zm/ |
Zimbabwe | Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) | http://www.potraz.gov.zw/ |