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Industry news, opinions and articles around compliance & the video games industry

How to use influencer marketing for age restricted products - correctly!

What is Influencer Marketing for age-restricted products? Influencer marketing for... Read More

10-point plan for video record keeping for affiliates using RippleXn

In today's dynamic regulatory environment, maintaining accurate records of affiliate video... Read More

Who's talking about you behind your back?

Do you want to know? Do you need to know?... Read More

Do you owe the SEC $500M? The hidden risks of Crypto promotions

The rise of influencer marketing in crypto With the explosive... Read More

FINRA Fines M1 Finance $850,000 for influencer non-compliance

Who is and what is FINRA’s Role? The Financial Industry... Read More

The sinister risk of influencer selection

The stakes in social media marketing are higher than ever.... Read More

What should actually be in a Creator Media Kit?

An influencer media kit is the key for many influencers... Read More

Social Intelligence Lab - demo debut

This June RippleXn was delighted to be joining brands, agencies,... Read More

Essential Social Media Metrics to Track for Effective Campaigns

In today's digital landscape, social media metrics play a crucial... Read More

Are you getting what you are paying for?

And are you potentially running up a risk of a... Read More